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Zalophus's DesignHouse
Can i walk? - 3D Printed Humanoid Robot - Robonoid - Nova 본문
Can i walk? - 3D Printed Humanoid Robot - Robonoid - Nova
Zalophus Dokdo 2018. 12. 19. 18:33- Robonoid_BodyTonyPants.stl ......"
[20190107] Upload Links
[20181101] Printing
[20180621] Update Design concept
[20180619] Update Design concept
[20180607] Update Design concept
[20180604] Update Design concept
[20180430] Design concept
Humanoid Robot – Robonoid – Design concept
3D Design Tool: SketchUp Pro
Robonoid is small sized bipedal walking robot The robot has 17 or 19, 24 freely moveable joints and servomotor in order to provide for a range of action and stable movements. Since it’s small in size, Robonoid can balance well and cope with basic movements such as walking and getting up. Also, intricate movements like roller skating and skateboarding are possible.
Robonoid is a wireless controllable robot You can control it by WiFi protocol through your PC and Smartphones. App for android and iOS are an especially intelligible UI. By using it, complicated operations can be controlled more easily.
Robonoid is a friendly robot Robonoid was named indicates a “simply shaped robot” that everyone imagines. Robonoid was designed by pursuing a simple appearance and simple functionality.
Robonoid Lineup
PSY – 135.7mm(W) x 258.39mm(H) x 100mm(D) – 17DOF
Jack – 135.7mm(W) x 305.62mm(H) x – 92,48mm(D) – 22DOF
Gentleman – 135.7mm(W) x 341.22mm(H) x – 78.5mm(D) – 22DOF
Tony – 135.7mm(W) x 265.5mm(H) x – 100mm(D) – 18DOF
SpongwBob – 135.7mm(W) x 230.0mm(H) x 100mm(D) – 16DOF
Hudi – 135.7mm(W) x 251.4mm(H) x 87mm(D) – 19DOF
Gunmo – 135.7mm(W) x 259.3mm(H) x 78.5mm(D) – 19DOF
Nova – 135.7mm(W) x 282.8mm(H) x 100mm(D) – 17DOF
Hexapod S1 – DOM 352.83mm(WD) x 193.16mm(H) – 20DOF
Robonoid is a Plen/mini-Plan/RoboHero robot derivative designed at Zalophus DesignHouse. We love the Plen2 robot but its want to new design. This is our take on a new lower cost version of the Plen2 robot using MG90S/ES08MA-II/SG90 servo’s.
The 3D printing parts were inspired by the Plen2 components, but they were redrawn from SketchUp to use the inexpensive MG90S servo motors.
Electronic Parts
1 x WeMos D1 mini ESP8266 ESP-12
1 x PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus Servo controller
1 x Shield Robonoid-20CH-R0a
1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Sensor
2 x 16340 or 18650 Battery Holder
1 x 2S 7.4V Lithium Battery Charger Protection Board
2 x 16340 or 18650 Batteries
2 x Snap-In Single 'A'-'AA' Battery Contacts 209 [KEYSTONE ELECTRONICS CORP.]
2 x Snap-In Single 'A'-'AA' Battery Contacts 228 [KEYSTONE ELECTRONICS CORP.]
1 x DC Jack and Battery Harness Cable
17/19 x MG90S Metal Gear Servo Motors
3D Printing Parts
Robonoid_BatteryBracket16340.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49080
Robonoid_BatteryHolder18650.stl .....https://pinshape.com/items/49082
Robonoid_BodyGentleman.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49105
Robonoid_BodyGunmo.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49100
Robonoid_BodyHudi.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49098
Robonoid_BodyNovaL.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49101
Robonoid_BodySpongeBob.stl ..............."
Robonoid_BodyNovaS.stl .....https://pinshape.com/items/49103
Robonoid_BodyTony.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49102- Robonoid_BodyTonyPants.stl ......"
- Robonoid_BodyTonyServoBracket.stl ......"
Robonoid_CapBaseball.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49095 - Robonoid_CapHudi.stl ...................."
Robonoid_eYeLED5.stl ..........https://pinshape.com/items/49106
Robonoid_eYeWS2812.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49107
Robonoid_HatBoaterGunmo.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49093 - Robonoid_HatConical.stl ..................."
- Robonoid_HatFes.stl .........................."
- Robonoid_HatTC.stl .........................."
- Robonoid_HatTop.stl ........................."
Robonoid_Head.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49091
Robonoid_HeadNova.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49000
Robonoid_ElbowShoulderRol_Leftl.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49071
Robonoid_Foot_Left.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49057
Robonoid_FootSlim_Left.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49057
Robonoid_FootSimple_Left.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49057
Robonoid_FootRollPitch_Left.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49063
Robonoid_Hand_Left.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49070
Robonoid_HandWristShoulderPitchThighYawFoot_Left.stl ....https://pinshape.com/items/49072
Robonoid_Knee_Left.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49064
Robonoid_KneePitch_Left.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49067
Robonoid_ShoulderPitch_Left.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49072
Robonoid_ThighPitchHipRollNova_Left.stl ........https://pinshape.com/items/49068
Robonoid_ThighPitchRoll_Left.stl ......https://pinshape.com/items/49063
Robonoid_Pants.stl .......https://pinshape.com/items/49105
Robonoid_PantsBottom.stl ..............."
WANT TO SUPPORT Zalophus's DesignHouse?
The open source Humanoid Robot – Robonoid hardware and software is free and made with love. Please show your level of support with a voluntary donation.
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RDN7ZGAVFS5UE
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