
ESP8266 LED Matrix gClock Weather Scrolling Message WMOTA Server

Zalophus Dokdo 2017. 9. 13. 17:08

- ESP8266 WeMos Dq mini module which I finally found good application for (now you can buy better cheap ESPs)
- 6 x LEDMatrix module with MAX7219 driver
- supplied directly from USB port with USB plug
- all data are synchronized every 7-8 minutes
- time and date are taken from
- weather informations are grabbed from JSON api
- currency rates are grabbed from HTML page
- in the future also other news and infos grabbing can be possible
- no hardware RTC clock is necessary
+ internal temperature, humidity sensor (options - DS18B20, DHT22, DHT12)
+ ESP8266 setup as a Wi-Fi Web Server (WiFiManager, OTA, mDNS)
+ receives a message input from a User Input page, then displays the message on a scrolling LED matrix display.

Source code is available here:

....coming soon

NOTE: Recently added support for rotated LED Matrices

Inspired by and source code from:
